Our Services

What We Do

The ministry FOCUS of conciliuM


Through promoting a biblical understanding of best practices in security, crisis management, and member care Concilium Equip provides leadership, training, and guidance to individuals, churches, ministries, and NGOs, transforming the way they think about and respond to the varied and ongoing challenges of mission and service.


Consulting on events such as kidnappings, evacuations, and detainments Concilium Secure invests thousands of hours each year in crisis consultation and guidance for ministry and organizational leaders tasked with resolving organizational crises and bringing personnel out intact.


A critical aspect of risk management is the need to understand the complex conflict, terrorism, crime, and persecution issues that shape the mission field. Concilium Insight empowers Christian expatriates, short-term travelers, and members of churches to remain nimble and resilient in the face of threats, wherever they live and minister.


Concilium Care networks with organizations around the world, as each develops their own individual and team member care best practices and policies, to provide consulting and resources including trainings, retreats, assessments and referrals, and critical incident debriefings.


Through developing connections in the public and private sectors, Concilium Engage manages Concilium's efforts to build influence and capacity, promote public and private sector engagement on behalf of faith-based workers through international relations, faith partnerships, and fundraising strategies, with the mission to empower the broader ministry of Concilium.

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