Concilium Insight

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." - Proverbs 1:7

Concilium Insight creates reports and forecasts that assist mission agencies, churches, and humanitarian organizations in understanding how security incidents and trends impact presence and posture abroad and at home.

Since 2014, Concilium has produced over 2000 analytical reports for more than 50 subscribing organizations. Insight’s work has been utilized all over the world, including 60 consecutive days of research and production for multiple audiences during the US evacuation from Afghanistan in August 2021. Six months later, Concilium began providing strategic guidance for more than 100 organizational users during the opening days of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Insight’s team of full-time, part-time, and volunteer analysts produce analysis applicable at strategic, operational, and field levels for faith based organizations. Multiple subscribers have described Insight’s reports and briefings as having equal or higher quality to comparable products available for business and government clientele.

Across the United States and around the world, the occurrence of conflict, terrorism, crime, and related persecution is a key indicator of spiritual need and correlates closely with how difficult an area is to reach with the Gospel. Concilium Insight is helping organizations, churches, and Gospel workers understand
both the threats posed, and the needs exposed, by these issues. Threat analysis is essential to “counting the cost” of Great Commission obedience.

Concilium Insight has released a paper entitled “Targeted Violence at U.S. Churches in 2019 to 2022,” examining lessons learned from more than 20 incidents and foiled plots. Download this informative paper for free and gain valuable insights. A suggested donation of $9 would help us continue creating impactful works like this, and much, much more.

Subscribe to Concilium Insight


Global Insight

Leaders in sending and humanitarian organizations can sign up to receive our weekly Thursday Briefing, along with in-depth global analyses, brief updates, and alerts. Individual Christian expatriates can choose to receive reports concerning their country of service. 

     Rates are flexible, contact Concilium for more information


Insight Digest

Members of American churches can receive the monthly Insight Digest covering events and topics related to safety and security for local churches, local outreach ministries, and both domestic and international short-term travel.

                       Insight Digest is $35 a year per subscriber

What Insight Subscribers say

“Concilium Insight is the only service I know of that provides security analysis and considerations for Christian workers in a single, neatly packaged product. These helpful summaries are valuable to our leaders as they weigh risks and opportunities.”
“Concilium has been a God-send for our church and mission team. In the last couple of months, they have provided valuable insights that we are using to make important decisions about long-term work in Africa and Colombia. Their recent reporting on Haiti is an important tool we are using in anticipation of a planned short-term mission to Haiti. Our missionaries in the field appreciate the reports. They feel better equipped and cared for, knowing we are staying better informed as a church.”
“Concilium Insight is a valuable and unique resource because their analysis of current events outlines their impact on those involved in Christian ministry. Though we receive numerous alerts from other sources, you provide us with an alert for people who are active in Christian ministry. There is nothing else like it.”