Concilium Engage

"Discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you." - Proverbs 2:11

Concilium seeks to support and influence public and private sector perspectives and activities on behalf of faith-based workers and persecuted Christians around the world. We accomplish this through public and private sector engagement, developing faith partnerships, and championing the needs of faith based workers whose lives and freedom are being threatened. The mission of this engagement is to provide support and raise awareness of US faith-based workers in need and persecuted Christians internationally.

Domestic Engagement

On Behalf of U.S. Faith Based Workers
and Their Families

Concilium is dedicated to championing the needs of Christian missionaries, humanitarians, and gospel workers throughout the public and private sectors. Concilium is especially committed to private and public sector engagement on behalf of faith based workers in need. This includes engaging public and private sector entities to raise awareness of the acute needs faced by families of faith based workers held against their will internationally. To that end, Concilium is committed to developing long-term strategies for pressing the essential needs of expatriate missionaries and gospel workers (and their families) through public policy engagement. This kind of engagement is a critical need in the faith based sector. As such, Concilium is committed to public and private sector engagement, the development of collaborative relationships, and fostering stakeholder engagement on behalf of the many faith based workers and their families who struggle to speak for themselves.

International Relations

On Behalf of Persecuted Christians
in the Nations

While Concilium’s primary beneficiary group of public engagement consists of North American faith-based workers and their families, Concilium’s support of persecuted Christians has placed a spotlight on our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. As such, Concilium is constantly seeking those with a deep understanding of international relations and experience with cross-cultural engagement and communications to support our international engagement program, including networking among public and private sector partners as well as building public awareness toward the plight of persecuted Christians and their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs around the world.