I am first and foremost a disciple maker. I am a disciple maker who uses God’s word to teach a biblical approach to security management and personal safety and security. Quite often as I teach and model the principles of SICM with others, I find that gospel workers know precious little about what God has to say about safety and security in His word, the Bible. In many cases, these gospel workers have avoided the conversation about safety and security because they are fearful of being seen as unfaithful, but the opposite is true!

This is the first intersection where security and discipleship meet.

Discipleship is modeling and teaching Christians and non-Christians biblical principles and precepts toward Christlikeness. In particular SICM focuses on biblical doctrine as it applies to safety and security in daily Christian living, whether living domestically or internationally. Security as discipleship helps Christians to be “transformed by the renewing of their minds” (Romans 12:2) as they better understand how God uses the principles of safety to empower the voice in the presence of the Gospel in the nations.

SICM helps Christians understand that, if Jesus is truly Lord of all, then He must be Lord over personal safety and security as well as security management and programming. To ignore this is not only poor stewardship, it is tantamount to faithlessness. This is just one small facet of the discipleship process associated with SICM (there is much more to unpack here, but for the sake of brevity I will hold off). Likewise, I use security as a discipleship tool when I engage the public and private sectors (the US Government and private industry leaders). In this capacity, I represent Christ through the needs of faith based workers utilizing a biblical worldview with a largely secular audience. I attempt to do this by rationally explaining why gospel workers take the risks that they do, and the biblical wisdom that helps to mitigate those risks by decreasing their personal vulnerability to some very dangerous threats around the world. Many of these public and private sector leaders are surprised how much work goes into safety and security for faith based workers.

Most of all, when those individuals ask why faith based workers take these risks in the first place, it opens up an incredible opportunity to share the Gospel and the truth of God’s word with an audience that has never heard or understood what it means to be a genuine Christian and what it means to follow Jesus.