Restricted Access Complex Engagement (RACE) is a 3.5 day course that focuses on individuals and teams serving in restricted access nations. It combines the learning modules of Theology of Risk and Security In the Context of Ministry (SICM) with the threat assessment, abatement, and mitigation components of the CAST course, and applies them to the perspective of a Christian expatriate serving in a restricted access country. Concilium can also contextualize the RACE course for specific geographic, political, and religious areas. RACE can also be run as a Field Security Course (RACE-FSC) to help cross-cultural workers abate and mitigate violent threats and address hostage survival issues.

RACE places a strong focus on “Image Development” to help students develop a godly personal image that is rooted in Jesus and reinforced by credible documentation, both physical and virtual. This is important for ensuring long term success in restricted access areas and not compromising the voice and presence of the Gospel. The training considers several areas of calling and credibility, including personal calling, physical talents, abilities and experiences, professional and vocational certifications, and anticipated final visa status.

In addition to interactive classroom training and role play, RACE adds advanced communication and social media security training to help students develop skills and resources to consider their online footprint and protect personal and organizational information from antagonists. RACE also provides training and role play for family members serving in restricted access contexts, including spouses, adolescents, and mature children, to develop ministry resilience for the entire family.

Course Modules:

  • Understanding Theology of Risk
  • Living Personal Security in the Context of Ministry
  • Biblical Mandate and Rationale for Restricted Access Work
  • Identification and Abatement of Personal Threat
  • Hostile Observation Awareness and Detection Primer
  • Answering Questions: Dealing with Conversations, Interviews, Screenings, and More in RACE Environment
  • Dealing with Violence
  • OODA, Accountability, and Ethical Decision Making While Under Duress (Role Play)
  • Developing Credibility and Legitimacy
  • Developing Your Image In Christ before God and Man
  • Hostage Survival and Mitigating Exploitation
  • Examining Captivity Stress Factors
  • Safety and Security with Communication and Information Technology